• best hotel for kumbh 2025

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  • kumbh mela 2025
  • top hotels in Allahabad
  • kumbh mela 2025
  • kumbh village allahabad
  • kumbh village


MAHA Kumbh Mela 2025 - The experience of Kumbh is not complete without some of the must do's at the mela. We offer you all meals, cooked with the freshly sourced ingredients. We also have our own private boats and rides are arranged for all our guests to provide the very coveted dips at the Sangam. While on foot is the best way to experience the culture and faith that makes the Maha Kubh, we also arrange car tours around the city of Allahabad and Varanasi. Not only that, we want you to have a wholesome experience at the Kumbh Village, and to fulfill that we have arranged Yoga classes, Healing sessions by Reki and Massage and many such local musts of Prayag. We were awarded for outstanding hospitality services in KUMBH 2025 in Tent City and we intend to continue with the same zeal and enthusiasm for 2025.

kumbh village

Close proximity to Sangam & important touch points.

best hotel for kumbh 2025

All cottages are designed to handle varied weather conditions.

kumbh mela 2025

Escorted Tours with well trained guides.

kumbh mela 2025

Personalized boat Tours along with "HOLY DIP"

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20 years of experience in hosting people during Kumbh


According to estimates more than 400 million people are expected to witness this grand event "MAHA - Kumbh 2025" from across the world.

In Hindu mythology it is believed that bathing in the Sangam during Kumbh when the planets are aligned in certain positions, can absolve them of sin, thereby liberating them from the endless cycle of life and death.

According to UNESCO, Kumbh Mela is the largest congregation of pilgrims on earth, and plays a central spiritual role in the country, encapsulating the science of astronomy, astrology, spirituality, ritualistic traditions and social and cultural customs and practices making it extremely rich in knowledge.

Kumbh Mela has been listed as an intangible cultural heritage under UNESCO.